Photo of Chris Miller

Chris Miller

Computer Engineer / Maker

I'm a software engineer interested in distributed systems and making technology whimsical. I am currently based out of Seattle and work for Microsoft as a R&D tech lead. I love to experiment with techology and am a serial project starter. Follow my blog for semi-annual rambles.


Tech I Use

RustTypescript/JavascriptPythonRubyHaskellElixirPrologJavaKotlinC++C#VHDLDockerKubernetesTerraformHelmAzureAzure DevOpsGithub Project ManagementGitOpsCI/CDDevOpsPrometheusGrafanaPostgreSQLRedisRabbitMQMinioReactReduxNode.jsOpenAPIGraphQLgRPCLinuxNixOSArch LinuxGitLLM Application